Today's Workout: 032512

Charity and esther
This is it – the final live event of the 2012 Reebok CrossFit Games Open! Come and scream your lungs out at 12, as the Green Army athletes try to qualify for the Canada East Regional event! Noise definitely helps on this one!

Then do a workout:

Row 1000m

50 box jumps

50 double-unders

…for time.

That was the final workout in 2009, when the intrepid Catalyst Coaching team ventured to Toronto for the first-ever Ontario CrossFit Challenge. Only four years later, we're fielding a team of 40, supported by dozens of fans, trying to qualify for a massive Reebok event that will have professional television crews onsite….. wow. If you're with us already, thank you. We're not done yet! Toronto 2012 awaits! If you're just thinking about checking out this whole CrossFit thing….you're crazy to wait another day. We're all still beginners, after all; there's no limit to our potential.

Four years from now, what will happen?