16.5 – If you haven’t done it yet, today’s your last chance. It’s a long one. If you’ve already done it, you’re welcome to show up and cheer or do the alternate WOD (below) at regular class times. However, we’re not offering second attempts unless you book a PT session between group times.
Alternate WOD:
25 min AMRAP
1x20m sled push (135lbs/90lbs)
5 burpees
10 tuck sits
15 KB swings
“Fit It Forward” starts today. Every year, we set aside one week to focus on JOY. The best way to be joyful is to practice service to others. Read more about it here. Today’s Fit It Forward challenge:
Buy a stranger a coffee.
Be as anonymous as you like. Pay for the guy behind you in line and drive away, if necessary. Then post “done” in our Facebook group (we’re building momentum; group affirmation in these first stages will really help you as the challenges get tougher.)
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