10 Overhead Squats (155/105)
10 Box Jump Overs
10 Thrusters (135/95)
10 Power Cleans (205/125)
10 Toes-Bar
10 Burpee Muscle-Ups
10 Toes-Bar
10 Power Cleans (205/125)
10 Thrusters (135/95)
10 Box Jump Overs
10 Overhead Squats (155/105)
Kyle Armstrong (aka 'Keeks') is leaving for Thunder Bay tomorrow to start his new job as an engineer. We'll miss everything but his music. Great guy, fantastic athlete. Thanks, Keeks!
This photo, as well as most others we've been featuring, was taken by Andi Fraser. She'll be teaching a photography course for Catalyst members soon! Click here for details.