Dads give kids more leeway to explore, says Charlie Gillis. Above: Crista proves him wrong.
Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes:
10 Supine Ring Pull Ups
10 Push Ups
10 Ball Slams 40 lbs
Today's the day for the CrossFit Games Online Qualifier. Three WODs will be released at 9am; we'll choose one (but you're welcome to do all three, of course.) This is significant in the CrossFit universe: military personnel have this chance, and this chance only, to qualify if stationed abroad.
Since this is a video-submitted Qualifier, athletes may take as many attempts at each WOD as they like, provided they submit by 6am tomorrow morning. We'll video our athletes (if they'll allow us) and post them HERE tomorrow.
In the meantime, to Pam Didonato: Right foot first! Today's the day you start walking better than you have in 12 years!
"Physical activity is associated with a lower risk of Alzheimer's. It's the one thing that works." -Neurologist Martin Samuels, in his Maclean's interview