Sumo Deadlift 5-5-3-3-1-1
3 rounds for time of:
10 DBCleans (two hands/bells, from the floor) 45/20lb
20 Wall Balls 20/14#
50 Double-Unders
Attempt a max clean, beginning 135/95, in the time remaining.
Why fatigue before the max lift? We’re training you for life here – physically and mentally. In the gym, we can make conditions perfect for a personal best: we can give you Prilepin’s chart for your warmup. We can can give you the best mobility exercises, show you the best setup, cheer you to victory.
In real life, you have to do the dishes. And take the dog out on your way to the curb with the garbage. You have to work a longer day than expected, on an empty stomach, and THEN think about vegetables and meat instead of takeout pizza. You have to exercise when you DON’T feel like it, when conditions AREN’T perfect, when you think you might not be at your best.
We don’t want to get you ready to stop a hostage crisis. We want you to be able to succeed when things aren’t perfect.
Mind Training Strategies from Gym Jones
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