Today's Workout: 102911


That girl in the middle? Totally getting married today. Way to go, Melissa and Jacey!

From the UFC / CrossFit event a few weeks ago, events #1 and #3 of 5 total. In pairs:

"Jackie" X2 

For time:

Each athlete does Jackie (1 weight for both men and women)

Athlete 1 Row 1000, 50 Thrusters (45lbs), 30 Pull-ups. Once Athlete 1 comes off the bar after their 30th pull-up…

Athlete 2 starts his/her Row 1000, 50 Thrusters (45lbs), 30 Pull-ups.

Workout 3

Alternating Chipper

For time:

Athlete 1 does 50 Double-unders

Athlete 2 does 50 Double-unders

Athlete 1 does 5 Ground-to-overhead (135lbs for men and 95lbs for women)

Athlete 2 does 5 Ground-to-overhead

3 rounds of that for a total for 30 GTO (Next teammate can't work until teammate completes his/her 5).

Athlete 1 does 50 Double-unders

Athlete 2 does 50 Double-unders

Athlete 1 does 5 Box Jumps, up and over 30" for men 24" for women

Athlete 2 does 5 Box Jumps, up and over 30" for men 24" for women

3 Rounds of that for a total for 30 Box Jump up and overs

Athlete 1 does 50 Double-unders

Athlete 2 does 50 Double-unders

This stuff, with CrossFit and UFC is cool. But the REALLY important stuff happening because of CrossFit is going on all over the world. Read: Inspiring a Generation, from the CrossFit Games site.