Today's Workout: 111615

White Oak WOD:
Work up to heavy Hang Power Snatch
Every minute, on the minute for as long as possible:
Even: 30 Double-Unders
Odd: 10 thrusters
20 Minute Cap
Downtown WOD:
3 rounds – Run 200m, 5x strict press 10x ring push up, 10x strict dip.
Strength: Bench press – 8-6-4-4-4-4-4. Last set should be a 4 RM for the day so work up accordingly.
Work Capacity: Complete 5 rounds for time of:
10x toes to bar
8x DB thruster (40#/30#)
12x DB walking lunge steps, 6/side (40#/30#)
200m run