Push Press 3-3-3-3-3
Bench Press 5-5-5
Weighted Ring Pushups (as low as possible) – 3 x as many.
The value of today's WOD is more than just "working the triceps." If you've been following along, you've probably figured out that we don't isolate muscles; rather, we train movements. Today, we improve our overhead pressing strength, with a side of midline stability. Real "core" training necessarily involves putting weight overhead, because you're a three dimensional object, and we'd like you to be able to interact in your world in a more positive way. Plus, somebody's gotta put the groceries away…..
Where were you for the ROAR?
Karl struggled to – but succeeded at – maintaining focus through the long first set of 21 Thrusters. Distractions by the boatload, he didn't drop the bar once during the 15 Thrusters. But when he rose after his 15 ring pullups, he was a different man; as if taking a first breath after a baptism, Karl roared, grabbed the bar, and completed 9 thrusters nonstop. A four-minute personal best for Karl, and a huge victory for Team Chirp.