Today's Workout: 112412

This week, Joe Lengel – a competitor in the Masters' 50-55 class, known to Ted Fryia, was killed while opening his gym in Ohio. This picture is of Joe at the 2011 CrossFit Games…we were there, too.

JoelengelJoe Lengel's sons, Aaron and Matt, have created this wod in honor of their slain father, who was killed yesterday opening his box in Toledo. They are hoping boxes across the country will unite in solidarity Saturday to do it. It is:

10 rounds: 
10 thrusters 95/65, 
10 bar facing burpees, 
10 pull ups, 
57 double unders,

We'll run this as part of our normal Saturday class in a "I-go-you-go" format. In teams of two, you'll alternate through the rounds. I'll do it solo, and anyone else who chooses is welcome to do so.