If you really want to know how something works, immerse yourself for a month. I did.
We ran Crossfit for months before I did a real, honest-to-goodness WOD. But the shameful truth is that I KNEW about Crossfit in 2003. I dismissed it.
In 2006, when we launched our study into exercise adherence, the results were a real shock: people liked exercise that was broad, general, inclusive, and unexpected. In other words, people like Crossfit – they just don’t know it yet!
Putting Crossfit into black and white is like 6 blind guys describing an elephant: depending on where they are, their description is much different! Starting Crossfit after powerlifting for 3 years, my concern was loss of strength. Runners, though, worry about bulking up too much.
Do Crossfit for 1 month. If you can bear it, do Crossfit and nothing else (if you’re doing it right, you shouldn’t have anything left to give after the WOD anyway!) Watch what happens (hint: you won’t lose strength – my deadlift hit an all-time PR of 520 in May, after a month of Crossfit.)
Drink the Kool-Aid!