The Fox and the Rabbit – Competition Helps Us All

by Tyler Belanger

Scurrying over fallen trees and navigating around
rocks, the rabbit is trying to stay out of the fox's mouth. On even ground, the
rabbit is no match for the fox; but on broken terrain, the outcome of the chase
is les certain.


The fox's strength and hunting skills also exceed
those of the rabbit, and yet the rabbit must still compete on the same level to
survive. At the moment of discovery, each animal performs at their peak level.
Regardless of their individual skill set, it is the animal that performs better
that day that comes out on top.


Competition in the box, as in nature, is a great
motivator. During every workout an athlete is hunting down a score, or is
desperately trying to remain ahead of another. Like the rabbit and the fox,
each athlete in our community forces another to be better.


It may be difficult to recognize that rabbits
NEED foxes and foxes NEED rabbits. Without foxes, rabbits would be dull and
slow. Without rabbits, foxes wouldn’t need speed and cunning.


Don't lose sight of how healthy competition
really is because you dislike chasing or being chased. The others need you as
much as you need THEM. Think of how rewarding it is to outrun a strong, witty
fox or to finally catch that quick, slippery rabbit.


A loser's mind feels threatened in the face of
competition; a winner's mind says, "Thanks for chase." Competition,
stress, and fear make us all better.


Before each workout, find a fox and a rabbit and
thank them for making you better.