Today's Workout: 040310


"I believe that the Good Lord gave us a finite number of heartbeats and
I'm damned if I'm going to use up mine running up and down a street.
"~Neil Armstrong

"Do a rep while you're resting!" – Josh Deluco

 Today is Saturday.  It's not a day of rest.

Complete, for time (you may mix up the in-gym exercises)

400m Run

40 'Man on Fire' burpees

400m Run

Monkey Bars – forward and back (if you drop, pick up where you left off and continue)

400m Run

40 Slosh pipe Squats

400m Run

Keg Snatch

*note: you may use our running trail if you don't mind getting muddy.  Just leave your shoes outside each rep.

Celebrate your new life as a CrossFitter.  At 9am, Coach Coop takes the helm; surrender yourself to his many charms. No, it won't be a Vilaca-style "shirts and skins" workout, but it will still be awesome.

Question: would you buy a car based primarily on its weight?

Then why is that the principal concern of the masses?  Why isn't performance a question, unless you have sport-specific ambitions?