Shawn’s Quote: "I feel like I just ate 3 donuts!" If you know Shawn, you’ll know how hilarious that is. Shawn’s one Police Officer who can’t handle his sugar!
This begs a few questions, if you’ll allow me:
1. Do you ever throw your hands in the air after your workouts?
2. Do you ever have people offer to videotape your workouts, or even yell, "Do that again!"
3. Do you ever have people comment on your workout records on facebook?
4. Do you even KNOW when you’ve set a record?
5. Do you ever get chirps in your inbox at 6am from friends or your coach?
6. Do you ever leave the gym excited to tell your wife what you did today?
…if you’ve done Crossfit, you know exactly what I’m talking about. Add your own below (just hit, ‘reply to post.’
After doing the WOD then following with this, dang what a RUSH! Did one just before and got Chris’ attention I was yelling so loud. He asked if I could do it again. I said Let’s see.
Well, the video tells the rest.
Yeah BUDDY!!!
Good job Shawn!
You da man