Today's Workout: 022514


This was yesterday’s most popular picture!

It’s Podium Week! We had a riot yesterday, recording all the box jumps and ‘Jackie’ personal bests!
Today, more achievement.
Part 1: Choose one and attempt to PR. Then choose another.
a) Muscle-Up for max reps (even if it’s one.)
b) Max Weighted Pullup (no kip)
c) Max pullups unbroken
d) Max pullups in one minute.
Part II:
“Nasty Girls”: 3 rounds for time of:
50 Squats
7 Muscle-ups
10 Hang Power Cleans (135 Rx)
Opportunities to PR:
a) finish it as Rx;
b) do the squats, muscle-ups or HPCs unbroken;
c) do it faster than ever before.