September OnRamp Update!

Above: Four of the September Seven do wall balls at the Park 091309.

3919875556_4e37becbf0 September's OnRamp group is way ahead of the curve. After their first week, Coach Whit (already nicknamed, "Meanie" by the group) brought them up to the Park gym for a little CrossFit immersion. And guess what? They rocked the workout! (Right: Madge shows some real strength!)

They still have a long road ahead, but 33% of the way, they're showing terrific technique and drive at the basics of human movement – squatting, pressing, pulling, running….

…and what's more, the Catalyst CrossFit community has been pouring out their support and welcome! Pictured (below,right): some of the blog posts on, welcoming the new OnRamp students. You're not alone. Welcome to the Tribe!

So why are we posting this now? Well, to brag these folks up a bit. We're very excited about their progress.

Also, because our October OnRamp group (details below) is almost full, and November's OnRamp group is starting to fill. We're poor salespeople, so no pressure. But if you want in for one of these months, you may be wise to call sooner than later. Just call Chris at 256-1344.

Picture 1 Want to read the original OnRamp article? Click here.

21 days. You: an athlete, not just an exerciser.

The coach: Whitney Pagnucco, 2nd place at the CrossFit Ontario Challenge, arguably one of the most fit women in Ontario. Also, very nice.

This is a group for beginners and those who have never done CrossFit – style workouts before. It will put you on the path to a lifetime of success. It will teach you everything you'll need to know about exercise, pushing yourself…and what you're truly capable of doing.
Start date: October 5, 2009
Fee: $199 (plus gst.)
To enrol: 256-1344 or 253-0011.