3 More Weeks of Free Crossfit Boot Camp!

Hurry!  Free Weekend Crossfit Boot Camp ends March 1!
Free Boot Camp is a 90-minute introduction to Crossfit.  You'll learn basic techniques in the Squat, Deadlift, Press, Push Press, Jerk, Clean, and Pull-up exercises (yes, you CAN do pull-ups if you're taught properly!)  

Instructed by head coach Chris Cooper, the Free Boot Camp explains Crossfit methodology, puts you on a solid footing to start the Crossfit program, and gives you some insight into why Crossfit is a rapidly-expanding favourite of so many folks in the Sault.  It's fun, it's simple, and you'll get to do "Fran" – a Crossfit standard – at the end.  
Wanna sign up and give it a shot?  256-1344.  Get in under the wire!
Beginning in March, the Free Boot Camp will be replaced by the Crossfit Essentials Course, which will run from 8-9am on Saturday mornings.  The course will be spread out over two consecutive Saturdays, will go further in depth, and will cost $60 (plus gst.)  Those who complete both Saturday sessions will receive a Crossfit punch card for 4 Crossfit sessions, meaning that the net cost of the Essentials Course is still zero.  
Why the change?  Well, we're committing our best coaches to ensuring that you get a productive and safe Crossfit experience.  We're asking you to commit to finishing the Essentials Course, and try Crossfit for a few sessions.  You'll love it; we promise.  

Below is a sample of what you can expect at a Crossfit Essentials Course:

Teaching The Clean from Leonid S. on Vimeo.