Results For Category: "Catalyst Blog"

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The Power of Consistency

There’s no perfect workout. There’s no perfect diet. You won’t make much progress from any one WOD, no matter how intense it…

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Strength in Numbers: The Power of Group Workouts for Adults Over 50

At Catalyst Fitness, we believe that community and support are essential for achieving your fitness goals. If you’re an adult over 50…

protein shake

Unlocking the Protein Puzzle: Whey vs. Casein – Which one is for you?

One of the most common questions we get asked here at Catalyst is about protein supplements – specifically, the difference between Whey…

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Optimize Your Workouts With SemiPrivate Training

Feel like you’ve hit a wall with your current fitness regimen? Fret not! Catalyst Fitness’s Semiprivate Training is here to breathe new…


Semiprivate Training at Catalyst

Are you seeking a fitness regimen that truly understands your individual needs and goals, while offering the camaraderie of a group environment?…

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How Much Intensity Is Enough?

When you work out, you need to try your hardest. At least, some of the time. For most people, this means an…

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Fast-Track Fitness: The Benefits of HIIT Workouts

What if you could achieve more fitness results in less time? This is the benefit of HIIT workouts. Read on!

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The Old Stuff

Thirty years ago, I sold fitness equipment.I sat all day in a showroom filled with high-tech chrome and glass: the newest machines,…

catalyst coaches

Motivation Is Built-In

The hardest part about exercise and nutrition isn’t knowing what to do. That’s pretty easy: you can buy a magazine or subscribe…

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In the gym, your failures don’t matter.

The gym doesn’t care about your former gyms.The gym doesn’t care about that spin class you quit, the meditation you hated, or…