Today's Workout: 090712


Today: Mobil' and Skill.

Come in to roll out, do dynamic stretching and static mobility. Practice skills for Sunday (we take requests!) No hard WOD today. Get an extra two hours of sleep tonight.

Tomorrow: if you're young, and feel tired, take another recovery day. If you're old (like me,) your nervous system may take a bit longer to ramp up. Tonal quality of muscle may need to be raised a bit, and so you're better to do a light, fun workout (like NASCAR, maybe?) with the 9am group.

Right: Karl makes magic happen in football. This kid is a testament to hard work. Rip it up, Karl!

48 hours until Catalyst Games 2012!

People are STILL registering. All of the information you'll need is available on the Games site , including a schedule for Sunday