Today's Workout: 110111


Skill: Hand Walking (wheelbarrow or handstand)

Strength: Pullup (strict) – 5-5-3-3-1-1

WOD: "Vertical Lynne"

Push Press – 75% bodyweight for max reps

Pullups – max reps

Rest 1 minute

5 rounds for max total reps.

Are you registering your scores on SocialWOD? It's easy: we do all the tracking for you, and you can see your scores on the SocialWOD site. We even pay for it on your behalf! All you have to do is write down your scores on the chalkboard after your workout.

Here's yesterday's result leaderboard.

Sometimes, athletes are recorded as 'new' if they record their name differently. This piece of guidance, from SocialWOD headquarters:

There are two reasons why an athlete might be new to SocialWOD. First, because they've never been entered into SocialWOD before. Or second, because there's a typo in the athlete's name.

If athlete names are spelled correctly in SocialWOD, it's easier for the system to recognize them in future whiteboards. Below, you can review athlete nicknames that were created from your first whiteboard to see if there are any typos.

Edit: Fix a typo in an athlete nickname by clicking edit.

Combine: Combine the scores of two athletes if they're listed in SocialWOD as two people, but are the same person in real life. When to combine athletes:

  • Example 1: You've given "John" the nickname "Devil" after using SocialWOD for two weeks. To combine John's scores with Devil's so that they all appear under Devil's account, click the Combine link beside John or Devil.
  • Example 2: If SocialWOD has created athlete scores under the wrong name (e.g. Ryan and Rayn), you can combine those scores under "Ryan" by clicking Combine.