Results For Category: "Athletic Training"

Return Of The Betty

NEW Thursday group added!  7pm starting November 19! "I am strong.  I am beautiful." This was the mantra given to 17 women…

New Catalyst Teens Groups!

We've just finished our first six-week session of Catalyst Teens.  It's been more than we bargained for.  We though, "we'll take these…

The 1-1-1-1-1

Appropriately, the day after I write about Cherrypicking, a max effort CrossFit WOD pops up.  Fun for the experienced lifter, the benefit…


May 2008.  My second day of CrossFit. Linda was her name, and she was well versed in the frustration of young men.  And…

Barbell Bettys Club

BARBELL BETTYs Lifting heavy stuff requires more than brute strength: it takes technique.  Not just guts, but grace. Thanks to CrossFit, dozens…

Indoor Cycling Group Starts October 6!

Love your bike? Don't put it away all winter! Coached by local legend John "Dr. Focus" Santana, this group focuses on training…

The Lockout

I learned the lockout from Abby Errington, and Abby's never done an Olympic lift in his life.  Maybe he's never lifted weights,…


"Why are your players so much more fit than anyone else's?" "What are you doing that's so different?" "How can you get…

Mental Toughness: Shelby MacDonald

It will be a year in June since my second surgery on my knee, my first being in January of the same…

2009 Hockey Camps

"How are you guys getting this kid so strong?" "Why are your players so much more fit than anyone else's?" "What are…