1 block of Zone 1
What is a Block? Click here.
What is a Zone 1 activity? Click here.
Zone 3 Block: Alternate exercises for 20 minutes. The odd minutes should be slightly harder than the even minutes.
Odd minutes: Row
Even minutes: Box step-ups.
Row at 80% for the first minute, and then aim to hit the same number of metres on every odd minute thereafter.
Perform box step-ups at 80% speed in the second minute, and then aim to hit the same number of metres on every even minute thereafter.
Rest 5 minutes.
Then: alternate exercises for 20 minutes. The odd minutes should be slightly harder than the even minutes.
Odd minutes: Burpees
Even minutes: Skips
Do burpees at 80% speed for the first minute, and then aim to hit the same number of burpees on every odd minute thereafter.
Perform skips (single-unders or double-unders) at 80% speed in the second minute, and then aim to hit the same number of metres on every minute thereafter.
Note: at no time should you feel “maxed out” or have to stop and rest. If you do, downgrade your targets in each working interval and continue.
What is a Zone 3 Block? Click here.
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