Results For Category: "Client Stories"

The UnNatural

I wasn't an athletic kid. Sure, I played sports.  In an elementary school class containing 17 boys – of which 16 were…

Today's Workout: 052810

Coach Whitney is at CrossFit Regionals competing today!  CrossFit Regionals is a national-level competition of the fittest athletes in the world.  She…

Get Well Soon

"You can listen to me, or you can die." Those were her doctor's words.  But now, hunched over her collapsed body in…

Today's Workout: 022710

A great prep for Murph! For time: 800m Run 25 Squats 25 Push-ups 25 Pull-ups 25 Sit-ups 50 Squats 50 Push-ups 50…

The Ringer

She thought she was a beginner. She believed that, as a novice, she was starting from ground zero.  That she’d have to…

Sebastien 2.0

Nearly a year ago, Sebastien Wetzel was the feature of an article in the CrossFit Journal.  The essay was a good insight…

How An Insurance Bureaucrat Saved My Life – Ted Fryia

Most people call him "coach."  Long before I met Ted, I knew him by reputation: talking to his oldest kid (Brent) about…

One To Watch

A few months ago, I got to sit down with a new client.  Now, this happens all the time.  After a little…

The High-Angle Entry

We frequently refer to CrossFit as, "The Sport of FItness."  The discipline requires to to think and behave like an athlete; to…

In A Single Bound

Tears streaming down her face, Nadia tried again.  Her muscles flexed just right.  Her arms swung perfectly.  Her jaw clenched; her abs…