Results For Category: "Athletic Training"

The Truth about Abs

We see them on the cover of almost every health and fitness magazine, advertisement and billboard. Washboard abs on good looking men…

Why You Should Start Personal Training

The options or plans to choose from to lose weight, build muscle and improve your health seem endless. You probably see them…


At Catalyst Fitness, we strive to coach our clients to get their best results. Our mission is to inform and coach the…

Catalyst Fitness Re-opens

Since March 17th, for the safety of our clients we closed our doors. But we took ACTION – we pivoted to online…

Catalyst Fitness can get you ready for beach season!

Are you ready for Beach Season? On the surface, everything seems normal. The birds are singing, the tulips are in full bloom,…

“I know I should lift weights, but I don’t want to bulk up”

This is a common phrase we hear during a No Sweat Intro.  “I know I should lift weights, but I don’t want…

Fun and Fitness for Kids and Teens at Catalyst!

Why should your kids or teens come to Catalyst Fitness? We assist in building the foundation of lifelong fitness, and they’ll have…

Catalyst Olympic Lifting Clinic

Why OLY lifting? Incorporating Olympic lifting into your fitness program is a GREAT way to improve athleticism –  speed, timing and body…

Powerlifting at Catalyst!

Press, Squat, Deadlift. These three exercises form the foundation of optimal fitness and health. Pushing something away from your body; sitting and…

Live Your BEST Life This Summer at Catalyst!

Our Catalyst family started something new last year, and we are going to repeat that success and provide an AWESOME fitness adventure…